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The Beans

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Cashgame powa!
  Harry, Jul 31 2008

Ok, time has come to start my redbull cashgame challenge.
Basically I will be playing 100nl almost non stop for the next week or so with many redbulls to keep me going.
I usually dont play more than 4tables at once, but I will try to play an average of 8tables. Looking to hit about 50,000hands as quickly as possible - If i do well I might try to play another 50,000 and beat my previous time and possibly keep doing that for the rest of the month if i can get enough hands in.

Starting tonight! - I will post my PT details every now and then as i take breaks to regenerate.

status: 10,000hands

feel free to join in and try and beat my probably sub-par time as i probably wont be playing 12+tables like some of you. -o-

Started: [01 August 2008 02:00GMT]

Edit1: played for 2hours in some strangely aggro/tricky games, not really sure if my stats indicate the correct adjustments i made against the players or not.
If there is some demand for hand historys at the end of my 50k hand race i will probably post a few and what i was thinking during them etc, if no one cares i won't bother though.
results so far as follows;

so not a bad start;D

meh i suck, managed to spend the rest of the day losing ~$300, so now +$550
6,000hands though.. not too bad compared to my average day

i suck even more, my BR doesnt seem to move. I've been putting people on sick tilt with my plays though, but in turn i've recieved some sick beats. Wheeeee
only at 10,000hands--_--

13,000 T_T

day4: powercutaments

day 11: just sort of gave up updating but i dont think anyone was checking this anyway so who cares, NO ONE IS READING THIS~!!~!11. No one loves me ;-(
Just going to keep playing till the end of the month.
gg, i took ages doing this challenge shit anyway, i fail at life

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let the pokering begin
  Harry, Jul 31 2008

Ok, briefly i will introduce myself~!
My name is Harry, I'm from Edinburgh - Scotland, age 21 and ive been playing poker on and off for a couple of years or so. I currently playing 100nl 6max.

Some of you may remember me from last year when i took part in the tournament challenge, I was on the winning team (team myth) and came #2 MVP.

I sort of disappeared from poker for a while after that so i could concentrate more on University, although i ended u playing lots of guitar and guitar hero/rockband and some World of warcraft, heh.

I return now playing 100nl 6max cashaments as i have now passed my exams (Hooray!), although i do go back in sept.

I quite enjoyed the challenge last year of playing mass tournaments to gain points, so i have decided to challenge myself to play alot of cash game hands this month - i'll start a new post about this soon.

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